Nationwide Claims to Fame

Vermont is 1st out of 51 other states in Race - White

Vermont is 2nd out of 51 other states in Race - White, not Hispanic or Latino

Vermont is 6th out of 51 other states in Residents 65 or older

Vermont is 6th out of 51 other states in Residents with high school diploma (older than 25)

Vermont is 8th out of 51 other states in Home ownership rate

Vermont is 8th out of 51 other states in Residents with college degree (older than 25)

Vermont is 8th out of 51 other states in Retail sales per capita

Vermont is 19th out of 51 other states in Home median value

Vermont is 19th out of 51 other states in Income per capita

Vermont is 21st out of 51 other states in Income per household

Vermont Border Map - Phone Size

General Demographics

Size Demographics

Size Demographics
Vermont Rank US
Current population (2012) 626,011 50th 313,914,040
Size in square miles 9,216.7 43rd 3,531,905.4
Population density (people per sqmi) 67.9 31st 87.4

People Demographics

Age Demographics
Vermont Rank US
Residents younger than 5 4.9% 51st 6.4%
Residents younger than 18 19.8% 50th 23.5%
Residents 65 or older 15.7% 6th 13.7%
Education Demographics
Vermont Rank US
Residents with high school diploma (older than 25) 91.0% 6th 85.4%
Residents with college degree (older than 25) 33.8% 8th 28.2%
Race Demographics
Vermont Rank US
Race - White 95.4% 1st 77.9%
Race - Black or African American 1.1% 49th 13.1%
Race - American Indian or Alaska Native 0.4% 43rd 1.2%
Race - Asian 1.4% 40th 5.1%
Race - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.0% 49th 0.2%
Race - Two or More 1.7% 40th 2.4%
Race - Hispanic or Latino 1.6% 49th 16.9%
Race - White, not Hispanic or Latino 94.0% 2nd 63.0%
Misc People Demographics
Vermont Rank US
Female residents 50.7% 27th 50.8%
Foreign born residents 3.9% 39th 12.8%

Housing Demographics

Housing Demographics
Vermont Rank US
Housing units 324,389 47th 132,312,404
Units inside multi-unit buildings 23.0% 21st 25.9%
Households 256,711 49th 114,761,359
Home ownership rate 71.4% 8th 66.1%
Home median value $213,000 19th $186,200
People per household 2.3 48th 2.6
Building permits (last year) 1,301 49th 829,658

Income Demographics

Income Demographics
Vermont Rank US
Income per capita $28,376 19th $27,915
Income per household $53,422 21st $52,762
Income below poverty line 11.3% 40th 14.3%

Business Demographics

Business Demographics
Vermont Rank US
Non-farm private establishments 21,190 49th 7,354,043
Non-farm private employees 264,208 49th 113,425,965
Total businesses (including small businesses) 78,729 45th 27,092,908
Retail sales $9,310,119 48th $3,917,663,456
Retail sales per capita $15,005 8th $12,990
Retail accommodation and food service sales $1,367,630 50th $613,795,732

Demographics by County - Vermont

Addison County, Vermont Bennington County, Vermont Caledonia County, Vermont Chittenden County, Vermont Essex County, Vermont Franklin County, Vermont Grand Isle County, Vermont Lamoille County, Vermont Orange County, Vermont Orleans County, Vermont Rutland County, Vermont Washington County, Vermont Windham County, Vermont Windsor County, Vermont

Demographics by City - Vermont

Barre, Vermont Bennington, Vermont Brattleboro, Vermont Burlington, Vermont Essex Junction, Vermont Middlebury, Vermont Montpelier, Vermont Rutland, Vermont South Burlington, Vermont St. Albans, Vermont St. Johnsbury, Vermont Winooski, Vermont

Demographics by School District - Vermont

Arlington School District, Vermont Averill School District, Vermont Avery's Gore School District, Vermont Baltimore School District, Vermont Bloomfield School District, Vermont Blue Mountain Union School District 21, Vermont Brattleboro Union High School District 6, Vermont Brunswick School District, Vermont Buels Gore School District, Vermont Burlington School District, Vermont Cabot School District, Vermont Canaan School District, Vermont Champlain Valley Union High School District 15, Vermont Chelsea School District, Vermont Colchester School District, Vermont Concord School District, Vermont Craftsbury School District, Vermont Danville School District, Vermont East Haven School District, Vermont Enosburgh School District, Vermont Essex Community Education Center, Vermont Fairfax School District, Vermont Ferdinand School District, Vermont Flood Brook Union School District 20, Vermont Glastenbury School District, Vermont Granville School District, Vermont Hancock School District, Vermont Hartford School District, Vermont Ira School District, Vermont Kirby School District, Vermont Lemington School District, Vermont Lewis School District, Vermont Maidstone School District, Vermont Milton School District, Vermont Montpelier School District, Vermont Morristown School District, Vermont Mount Anthony Union High School District 14, Vermont Northfield School District, Vermont Pittsfield School District, Vermont Poultney School District, Vermont Proctor School District, Vermont Readsboro School District, Vermont Remainder of Vermont, Vermont Richford School District, Vermont Rivendell Interstate School District, Vermont Rochester School District, Vermont Royalton School District, Vermont Rutland City School District, Vermont Sandgate School District, Vermont Searsburg School District, Vermont Somerset School District, Vermont South Burlington School District, Vermont Springfield School District, Vermont Stamford School District, Vermont St. George School District, Vermont Stowe School District, Vermont Strafford School District, Vermont Stratton School District, Vermont Twinfield Union School District 33, Vermont Victory School District, Vermont Waits River Valley Union School District 36, Vermont Warren'S Gore School Disrrict, Vermont Waterford School District, Vermont Weathersfield School District, Vermont West Rutland School District, Vermont Williamstown School District, Vermont Windsor School District, Vermont Winooski Incorporated School District, Vermont

Demographics by Congressional District - Vermont

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