Carl's Corner Population By Year

Population Graph For Carl's Corner, 1990 - 2022
Year Population Rank in US Growth Rate
2021 209 16,363 2.5%
2020 204 16,441 1.7%
2010 173 17,170 2.0%
2000 142 17,816 5.1%
1990 86 18,610

What is the current population of Carl's Corner?

Based on the latest 2022 data from the US census, the current population of Carl's Corner is 209. Carl's Corner, Texas is the 16,363rd largest city in the US.

What was the peak population of Carl's Corner?

The current population of Carl's Corner (209) is it's peak population.

How quickly is Carl's Corner growing?

Carl's Corner has grown 47.1% since the 2000. Carl's Corner, Texas is growing extremely quickly; it is growing faster than 100% of similarly sized cities since 2000.

Similarly Sized Cities In Texas

US Rank Name Population Growth
16241 Opdyke West 217 14.8%
16284 Cool 214 31.2%
16291 Roaring Springs 214 -20.1%
16298 Douglassville 213 21.7%
16323 Sandy Point 212
16356 South Frydek 210
16363 Carl's Corner 209 47.1%
16393 Bishop Hills 207 -1.4%
16503 Benjamin 200 -24.2%
16586 Windom 196 -19.6%
16587 Anderson 195 -24.1%
16605 Cottonwood 194 3.1%
16634 Emhouse 192 20.0%

Similarly Sized Cities In US

US Rank Name Population Growth
16357 Stoutland, Missouri 210 13.5%
16358 Sturgis, Mississippi 210 1.9%
16359 Sumpter, Oregon 210 22.8%
16360 Sylvia, Kansas 210 -29.2%
16361 Trent, South Dakota 210 -16.9%
16362 Tulare, South Dakota 210 -4.5%
16363 Carl's Corner, Texas 209 47.1%
16364 Copper City, Michigan 209 2.4%
16365 Dupont, Ohio 209 -21.4%
16366 Eureka, North Carolina 209 -13.9%
16367 Evergreen, Louisiana 209 -33.4%
16368 Horn Hill, Alabama 209 -10.6%
16369 Milton, Illinois 209 -23.4%

What is the voting age population of Carl's Corner, Texas?

The total voting age population of Carl's Corner, Texas, meaning US citizens 18 or older, is 133. The voting age population is 57.1% male and 42.9% female.

What percentage of Carl's Corner, Texas residents are senior citizens?

According to the latest census statistics, 18.3% of the residents of Carl's Corner are 65 or older.

What are the racial demographics of Carl's Corner, Texas?

The racial demographics of Carl's Corner are 92.6% White, 4.6% Black, 1.7% Two or more races and 1.1% American Indian. Additionally, 49.7% of the population identifies as Hispanic.

What percentage of Carl's Corner, Texas residents are below the poverty line?

In Carl's Corner, 5.1% of residents have an income below the poverty line, and the child poverty rate is 5.6%. On a per-household basis, 1.7% of families are below the poverty line in Carl's Corner.

What percentage of Carl's Corner, Texas residents are in the labor force?

Among those aged 16 and older, 54.9% of Carl's Corner residents are in the labor force.

What are the education levels among Carl's Corner, Texas residents?

Among the adult population 25 years old and over, 64.6% of Carl's Corner residents have at least a high school degree or equivalent, 0.0% have a bachelor's degree and 0.0% have a graduate or professional degree.

What percentage of Carl's Corner, Texas residents speak a non-English language at home?

Among Carl's Corner residents aged 5 and older, 41.8% of them speak a non-English language at home. Broken down by language: 41.8% of residents speak Spanish at home, 0.0% speak an Indo-European language, and 0.0% speak an Asian language.

What is the unemployment rate in Carl's Corner, Texas?

The unemployment rate in Carl's Corner is 3.8%, which is calculated among residents aged 16 or older who are in the labor force.

What is the median income in Carl's Corner, Texas?

The median household income in Carl's Corner is $55,938.

What percentage of housing units are owner-occupied in Carl's Corner, Texas?

In Carl's Corner, 88.2% of housing units are occupied by their owners.

What percentage of housing units are rented in Carl's Corner, Texas?

Renters occupy 11.8% of housing units in Carl's Corner.

What percentage of Carl's Corner, Texas housing units were built after 2000?

In Carl's Corner, 43.6% of the total housing units were built after the year 2000.

What is the median monthly rent in Carl's Corner, Texas?

The median gross monthly rent payment for renters in Carl's Corner is $725.

What percentage of households in Carl's Corner, Texas have broadband internet?

In Carl's Corner, 66.2% of households have an active broadband internet connection.

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